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cutepig123 发表于 2020-07-01 05:22

Is C, the language the kernel is for the most part written in, being displaced by the likes of Go and Rust, such that there is "a risk that we're becoming the COBOL programmers of the 2030s?" Hohndel asked. "C is still one of the top 10 languages," answered Torvalds. However, he said that for things "not very central to the kernel itself", like drivers, the kernel team is looking at "having interfaces to do those, for example, in Rust... I'm convinced it's going to happen. It might not be Rust. But it is going to happen that we will have different models for writing these kinds of things, and C won't be the only one."

Ext Link: https://www.theregister.com/AMP/2020/06/30/hard_to_find_linux_maintainers_says_torvalds/


SaylorZhu 2020-07-24 15:37


Neutron3529: 猜一下10年之后的新闻:

Linus指出,原定于今年3月发布的Linux kernel 7.3.0-rc1,由于编译仍未完成,不得不推迟至4月发行。

著名的Gentoo Linux操作系统已停止对新版Linux内核的支持(因为编译实在太慢)。

Mike Tang 2020-07-01 17:47


Neutron3529: 猜一下10年之后的新闻:

Linus指出,原定于今年3月发布的Linux kernel 7.3.0-rc1,由于编译仍未完成,不得不推迟至4月发行。

著名的Gentoo Linux操作系统已停止对新版Linux内核的支持(因为编译实在太慢)。

Neutron3529 2020-07-01 14:39


Linus指出,原定于今年3月发布的Linux kernel 7.3.0-rc1,由于编译仍未完成,不得不推迟至4月发行。

著名的Gentoo Linux操作系统已停止对新版Linux内核的支持(因为编译实在太慢)。

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