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Lambert 发表于 2023-08-27 00:00


Stable-Diffusion-XL-Burn:SDXL in Rust

在reddit上看到这个项目 Stable-Diffusion-XL-Burn ,它 是一个基于 Rust 的项目,将stable diffusion xl 移植到了 Rust 深度学习框架 burn 中。在reddit回帖上,已经有小伙伴在热情的尝试,还有小伙伴问到,“what's the performance difference to Pytorch on GPU/CPU?” 社区有小伙伴对这个项目感兴趣吗?👀

Github repo: https://github.com/Gadersd/stable-diffusion-xl-burn 阅读原文:https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/1613ajv/stable_diffusion_xl_in_rust/

Rust 1.72.0 stable发布

Rust Release Team在 Rust Blog上官宣了1.72.0版本的发布,可以使用如下命令,获取1.72.0:

rustup update stable


Rust嵌入式领域应用:Rust on ESP32

这是一篇叙述如何使用 ESP32 和 esp-idf-hal 驱动 LED 点阵的文章,准确说是“ESP32 Standard Library Embedded Rust”,有关SPI 与 MAX7219 LED 点阵。

阅读原文:ESP32 Standard Library Embedded Rust: SPI with the MAX7219 LED Dot Matrix, https://apollolabsblog.hashnode.dev/esp32-standard-library-embedded-rust-spi-with-the-max7219-led-dot-matrix?ref=twitter-share

Rust vs Zig:在性能、安全以及更多方面的对比




Feature Rust Zig
Memory safety Rust uses its strict ownership and borrowing rules to ensure that any code a developer writes is safe. Zig uses mechanisms that track and control memory allocation and deallocation to prevent any code that a developer writes from being unsafe.
Syntax Rust emphasizes ownership and lifetimes through explicit annotations, which can lead to longer code. Zig follows a C-like syntax.
Ecosystem Rust offers a robust ecosystem, including libraries, tools, and community support Zig is a younger language with a more miniature ecosystem.
Interoperability Rust has decent FFI compatibility. It works well calling Rust functions from C but it can be challenging to call C functions from Rust. Zig has a superior FFI. It works well calling C functions from Zig and calling Zig functions from C.
Error Handling Rust uses Result and Option types for explicit error handling Zig uses error types, error unions, and deferred statements for error handling
Package manager Rut uses cargo package manager for handling packages and dependencies Zig uses its built-in package manager for handling packages and dependencies


  • Memory safety
  • Low-level control
  • Performance optimization
  • Community and availability
  • No undefined behavior



梗图:I spend my day coding in rust today

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From 日报小组 Lambert





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