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EAHITechnology 发表于 2023-09-13 23:32

Tags:rust, 日报

RustRover – JetBrains 推出的独立 Rust IDE

“什么时候会有 Rust IDE?” 这是用户经常提出的问题(八年了,你知道这八年我怎么过的吗?),现在,JetBrains 宣布这一天已经到来:它就是 JetBrains 独立 Rust IDE – RustRover。

多年来 JetBrains 中 Rust 功能多以插件形式被支持。然而这次 JetBrains 收到社区对专门针对 Rust 及其生态系统的 IDE 的请求,推出了 rust IDE 并且新 IDE 的功能也要与现有 JetBrains IDE 相当!独立 IDE 也意味着会极大提升开发效率。

  • https://blog.jetbrains.com/rust/2023/09/13/introducing-rustrover-a-standalone-rust-ide-by-jetbrains/

rust-kafka Rust Kafka 客户端库

一个在 librdkafka 基础上完全异步、基于 future 的 Rust Kafka 客户端库 目前提供的主要功能有:

  • 支持自 0.8.x 以来的所有 Kafka 版本。有关代理兼容性选项的更多信息,请查看 librdkafka 文档。
  • 从单个或多个 topic 消费。
  • 自动 consumer rebalance。
  • 可定制的 rebalance,带有 rebalance 前和 rebalance 后的回调。
  • 同步或异步消息生成。
  • 可定制的偏移量提交。
  • 创建和删除 topic 以及添加和编辑 partition。
  • 更改 broker 和 topic 配置。
  • 访问集群元数据(主题分区、副本、broker 等列表)。
  • 访问组元数据(列出组、列出组成员、主机名等)。
  • 访问生产者和消费者指标、错误和回调。
  • 通过幂等和事务性生产者以及已提交读取的消费者实现一次性语义 (EOS)。

rust-kafka 可以结合 tokio 进行异步生产

rdkafka = { version = "0.25", features = ["cmake-build"] }


use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;

use clap::{value_t, App, Arg};
use futures::stream::FuturesUnordered;
use futures::{StreamExt, TryStreamExt};
use log::info;

use rdkafka::config::ClientConfig;
use rdkafka::consumer::stream_consumer::StreamConsumer;
use rdkafka::consumer::Consumer;
use rdkafka::message::{BorrowedMessage, OwnedMessage};
use rdkafka::producer::{FutureProducer, FutureRecord};
use rdkafka::Message;

use crate::example_utils::setup_logger;

mod example_utils;

async fn record_borrowed_message_receipt(msg: &BorrowedMessage<'_>) {
    // Simulate some work that must be done in the same order as messages are
    // received; i.e., before truly parallel processing can begin.
    info!("Message received: {}", msg.offset());

async fn record_owned_message_receipt(_msg: &OwnedMessage) {
    // Like `record_borrowed_message_receipt`, but takes an `OwnedMessage`
    // instead, as in a real-world use case  an `OwnedMessage` might be more
    // convenient than a `BorrowedMessage`.

// Emulates an expensive, synchronous computation.
fn expensive_computation<'a>(msg: OwnedMessage) -> String {
    info!("Starting expensive computation on message {}", msg.offset());
    thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(rand::random::<u64>() % 5000));
        "Expensive computation completed on message {}",
    match msg.payload_view::<str>() {
        Some(Ok(payload)) => format!("Payload len for {} is {}", payload, payload.len()),
        Some(Err(_)) => "Message payload is not a string".to_owned(),
        None => "No payload".to_owned(),

// Creates all the resources and runs the event loop. The event loop will:
//   1) receive a stream of messages from the `StreamConsumer`.
//   2) filter out eventual Kafka errors.
//   3) send the message to a thread pool for processing.
//   4) produce the result to the output topic.
// `tokio::spawn` is used to handle IO-bound tasks in parallel (e.g., producing
// the messages), while `tokio::task::spawn_blocking` is used to handle the
// simulated CPU-bound task.
async fn run_async_processor(
    brokers: String,
    group_id: String,
    input_topic: String,
    output_topic: String,
) {
    // Create the `StreamConsumer`, to receive the messages from the topic in form of a `Stream`.
    let consumer: StreamConsumer = ClientConfig::new()
        .set("group.id", &group_id)
        .set("bootstrap.servers", &brokers)
        .set("enable.partition.eof", "false")
        .set("session.timeout.ms", "6000")
        .set("enable.auto.commit", "false")
        .expect("Consumer creation failed");

        .expect("Can't subscribe to specified topic");

    // Create the `FutureProducer` to produce asynchronously.
    let producer: FutureProducer = ClientConfig::new()
        .set("bootstrap.servers", &brokers)
        .set("message.timeout.ms", "5000")
        .expect("Producer creation error");

    // Create the outer pipeline on the message stream.
    let stream_processor = consumer.stream().try_for_each(|borrowed_message| {
        let producer = producer.clone();
        let output_topic = output_topic.to_string();
        async move {
            // Process each message
            // Borrowed messages can't outlive the consumer they are received from, so they need to
            // be owned in order to be sent to a separate thread.
            let owned_message = borrowed_message.detach();
            tokio::spawn(async move {
                // The body of this block will be executed on the main thread pool,
                // but we perform `expensive_computation` on a separate thread pool
                // for CPU-intensive tasks via `tokio::task::spawn_blocking`.
                let computation_result =
                    tokio::task::spawn_blocking(|| expensive_computation(owned_message))
                        .expect("failed to wait for expensive computation");
                let produce_future = producer.send(
                        .key("some key")
                match produce_future.await {
                    Ok(delivery) => println!("Sent: {:?}", delivery),
                    Err((e, _)) => println!("Error: {:?}", e),

    info!("Starting event loop");
    stream_processor.await.expect("stream processing failed");
    info!("Stream processing terminated");

async fn main() {
    let matches = App::new("Async example")
        .about("Asynchronous computation example")
                .help("Broker list in kafka format")
                .help("Consumer group id")
                .help("Configure the logging format (example: 'rdkafka=trace')")
                .help("Input topic")
                .help("Output topic")
                .help("Number of workers")

    setup_logger(true, matches.value_of("log-conf"));

    let brokers = matches.value_of("brokers").unwrap();
    let group_id = matches.value_of("group-id").unwrap();
    let input_topic = matches.value_of("input-topic").unwrap();
    let output_topic = matches.value_of("output-topic").unwrap();
    let num_workers = value_t!(matches, "num-workers", usize).unwrap();

        .map(|_| {
        .for_each(|_| async { () })

From 日报小组 侯盛鑫





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