刚学 Rust 的练手项目,欢迎大家提出修改意见。支持配置各种运行的参数,比如内存长度、EOF 处理模式等。
这个解释器没有使用 JIT ,但是有针对性的优化措施,不敢说是无 JIT 解释器中最快,但是足够超过绝大多数实现。(我在网上能够找到的无 JIT 的都没有这个快。)
brainfuck 程序 | 平均时间 |
hanoi | 757.72 ms |
mandelbrot | 13.220 s |
squares | 5.2570 ms |
- CPU:AMD Ryzen 5 4500U
- RAM:8 GB
$ git clone https://github.com/ctj12461/brainfuck-interpreter.git
$ cd brainfuck-interpreter
$ cargo install --path ./crates/bf-exec # The program will be installed to ~/.cargo/bin
$ bf-exec ./examples/helloworld.bf
Hello World!
Usage: bf-exec [OPTIONS] <SOURCE>
the path of the brainfuck program source code file.
--len <LEN>
the memory (tape) length the program will use.
[default: 32768]
--addr <ADDR>
the address range of the memory (tape).
- unsigned: [0, len - 1]
- signed: [-ceil(len / 2), ceil(len / 2) - 1]
[default: unsigned]
[possible values: unsigned, signed]
--cell <CELL>
the data type of one cell in the memory (tape).
[default: int8]
[possible values: int8, int32]
--overflow <OVERFLOW>
the operation the interpreter should do when an overflow error occurs.
- wrap: automatically wrap the value in cell (e.g.: `127 + 1` => `-127`)
- error: throw an error and abort
[default: wrap]
[possible values: wrap, error]
--eof <EOF>
the operation the interpreter should do when an `EOF` is read.
- zero: turn `EOF` to `0`
- keep: keep what the `EOF` is and return it (`EOF == -1`)
- ignore: ignore this input and leave the cell unchanged
[default: ignore]
[possible values: zero, keep, ignore]
--input <INPUT>
the input stream type.
[default: std]
[possible values: null, std]
--output <OUTPUT>
the output stream type.
[default: char-std]
[possible values: char-std, int-std]
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
-V, --version
Print version
Ext Link: https://github.com/ctj12461/brainfuck-interpreter
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