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Cryptape1005 发表于 2023-01-29 11:26

Tags:rust, blockchain, opensource

Rust Developer


  • Design and implement the inter-blockchain communication solution with Cosmos IBC for Nervos Network.
  • Research different blockchains and explore the possibility of connecting them with Nervos Network.

Minimum Qualifications

  • 3+ years experience in software development.
  • Proficiency in Rust/Golang language.
  • Familiar with distributed operating systems, experience with cloud native, cloud computing will be a plus.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Knowledge of crosschain or other framework solutions, e.g. Substrate, Cosmos SDK, Octopus Network.
  • Experience maintaining open source projects in Rust.
  • Familiarity with Ethereum, Bitcoin, or other blockchain projects.

Projects Involved

  • Nervos CKB:Nervos Network 是一个开源的公链生态,Nervos CKB 是基于Pow共识机制的底层公链。 https://www.nervos.org/
  • Axon :Layer 2 Sidechain 框架,100% 兼容以太坊,专为游戏或社交网络等需要高吞吐量的应用而设计。 https://github.com/nervosnetwork/axon
  • 我们的代码:https://github.com/cryptape


秘猿一直保持浓厚的工程师文化和 geek 氛围,注重对人才的培养,鼓励技术分享,坚持“小而美”。全员 remote work 多年,看重结果而非形式,为共同创业的小伙伴们创造了一个充满自由、尊重和温度的工作环境。


Ext Link: https://www.cryptape.com/


Snowmanzzz 2023-02-02 10:49

大佬们等着 我在自学!

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