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teshin 发表于 2022-03-20 21:12

在构建rust镜像时,我先用cargo vendor 将依赖放到项目里,然后上传到gitlab中,使用cargo build --release --offline 命令构建,但是回报如下的错误:

error: the listed checksum of `/rust-xxx/vendor/async-channel/tests/bounded.rs` has changed:
expected: b4818293e8a4080b7bc2107b1b5704678d2984e99bb3647219f8aa61aaf189fc
actual:   788245e613eb88beb150fd7817606581399eee1df63f6fbbd72ff4509fc8f63c
directory sources are not intended to be edited, if modifications are required then it is recommended that `[patch]` is used with a forked copy of the source
The command '/bin/sh -c cargo build --release --offline' returned a non-zero code: 101
ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1

我在本地使用相同的dockerfile是可以构建镜像的,但是不知道在gitlab中为什么不行。 其实我并不关心check的内容,我应该如何跳过check,直接进行编译。




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