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挺肥 发表于 2020-11-18 23:26

flapigen-rs: rust 与其他语言交互的工具

目前支持 C++ 和 Java ,也可以自己开发对应语言接口

比如,以下 Rust 代码:

struct Foo {
    data: i32

impl Foo {
    fn new(val: i32) -> Foo {
        Foo{data: val}

    fn f(&self, a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
        self.data + a + b

    fn set_field(&mut self, v: i32) {
        self.data = v;

fn f2(a: i32) -> i32 {
    a * 2

然后就可以写这样的 Java 代码:

Foo foo = new Foo(5);
int res = foo.f(1, 2);
assert res == 8;

或者是这样的 C++ 代码:

Foo foo(5);
int res = foo.f(1, 2);
assert(res == 8);


Rust 常量泛型要来了:#![feature(min_const_generics)] 将在 Rust 1.50 版本中稳定



trait Foo<const N: usize> {
    fn method<const M: usize>(&mut self, arr: [[u8; M]; N]);

struct Bar<T, const N: usize> {
    inner: [T; N],

impl<const N: usize> Foo<N> for Bar<u8, N> {
    fn method<const M: usize>(&mut self, arr: [[u8; M]; N]) {
        for (elem, s) in self.inner.iter_mut().zip(arr.iter()) {
            for &x in s {
                *elem &= x;

fn function<const N: u16>() -> u16 {
    // Const parameters can be used freely inside of functions.
    (N + 1) / 2 * N

fn main() {
    let mut bar = Bar { inner: [0xff; 3] };
    // This infers the value of `M` from the type of the function argument.
    bar.method([[0b11_00, 0b01_00], [0b00_11, 0b00_01], [0b11_00, 0b00_11]]);
    assert_eq!(bar.inner, [0b01_00, 0b00_01, 0b00_00]);

    // You can also explicitly specify the value of `N`.
    assert_eq!(function::<17>(), 153);


九个在生产环境中使用 Rust 的公司

包括 Microsoft 、npm、Facebook、Amazon、Discord等


emoji:unicode emoji 库


From 日报小组 @挺肥





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