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huangjj27 发表于 2020-10-06 23:42


实用小工具 crossbeam-util和crossbeam-queue by 黑豆腐

crossbeam 是 Rust 社区著名的并发编程库,提供许多并发数据结构,包括原子类型、队列以及内存同步结构。crossbeam-utilcrossbeam-queue 是其中两个子项目,分别提供原子类型/线程同步结构和并发队列结构。


project-oak -- 安全的数据传输、存储、处理的标准与实现指引

在当前的计算平台上(包括虚拟化平台和云平台),数据可以在存储(at rest)和传输(in transit)的时候加密,但是在系统的任意其他部分需要处理它们时,则会暴露。就算应用设计得很安全,数据也加密了,操作系统内核(以及其他有权限访问数据处理机器的组件)会放松机器硬件资源的访问,并能导致机器上能绕过所有安全机制、解析密钥与数据的风险

In present computing platforms (including virtualized, and cloud platforms), data may be encrypted at rest and in transit, but they are exposed to any part of the system that needs to process them. Even if the application is securely designed and data are encrypted, the operating system kernel (and any component with privileged access to the machine that handles the data) has unrestricted access to the machine hardware resources, and can leverage that to bypass any security mechanism on the machine itself and extract secret keys and data.




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