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5000_years_ago 发表于 2023-03-29 22:33

Tags:fuchsia ffx component package daemon

两年前下过fuchsia源码,也跑过测试,当时没啥问题,今天心血来潮又更新了下源码,编译倒是可以,也能跑emu模拟器,但是ffx component run hello-world总是报错,有没有大佬给看下到底是什么原因,谢谢

以下是执行ffx component run的结果

Timeout attempting to reach target "fuchsia-emulator"

以下是ffx daemon的log

WARN analytics::metrics_service: Error posting analytics: error trying to connect: failed to lookup address information: Temporary failure in name resolution Mar 29 22:30:40.000 [09136554510691080638] WARN hoist::not_fuchsia: Service handler failed: waiting for stream_ref for 64

Caused by: oneshot canceled


作者 5000_years_ago 2023-03-30 12:21

感谢,其实大概找到问题了,可能并不是dns解析引起的,这个log只是warn,操作还挺复杂的,我记得之前的版本是不需要那么多操作的,需要 pkgctl resolve,ffx component resolve等,之后就可以了,而且ffx操作经常失败,多试几次会有成功的时候,不知道为什么,google不到相似问题,慢慢摸索吧

hax10: failed to lookup address information


hax10 2023-03-30 11:20

failed to lookup address information


作者 5000_years_ago 2023-03-29 23:58


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