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golanguage 发表于 2024-03-10 16:47

听说zed和gpui已经在windows和Linux上跑起来了,git了一个试试。 Ubuntu上还好。 可以跑,就是openai账户咱没有。


error: process didn't exit successfully: target\debug\Zed.exe (exit code: 0xc0000139, STATUS_ENTRYPOINT_NOT_FOUND) 或者说 无法定位程序输入点 DCompostionWaitForCompositionClock于动态链接库。。。。zed.exe上。

gpui的hello world也是同样问题。

哪位高手能给个指导意见吗? 用的是vs 2022 community版。


作者 golanguage 2024-03-16 11:02


DCompositionWaitForCompositorClock 最低受支持的客户端 Windows 内部版本 22000

已经修复 https://github.com/zed-industries/zed/pull/9351

pr已经合并入main branch

作者 golanguage 2024-03-13 08:57


ThatFrogDev commented Mar 12, 2024

Yeah, the problem is we're currently using a function which is only available in Windows 11 and up, namely DCompositionWaitForCompositorClock. It is possible to make a function for Windows 10 and below, but I can't test if it works since I don't have a Windows 10 machine. So, is there someone here who owns a Windows 10 computer and has some win32 api knowledge?

golanguage: 公司的win11上可以运行起来 不过最近忙,没时间细看

作者 golanguage 2024-03-11 16:20

公司的win11上可以运行起来 不过最近忙,没时间细看

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